miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Beep beep

Beep beep. Samantha waited twice to pick up the phone. She was feeling terrible. Last night she tryed M for the very first time. Her head was on the edge of exploting.“Thank you for calling AOL customer service, my name is Samantha, what can...”A muffled voice interrumped her. “Listen sweety, I’m having some troubles with my internet connexion”.

What the heck? Who’s that rude bastard? Obviously she just thought it. “Ok sir, could you tell me the code written on your modem?” said mechanicaly.

“It’s F for Frustration, P for Pointless, D for Depression...” his voice stopped for a while. “One, seven, I for Indifference, S for shattering and... W for whatver, doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not the internet thing, fuck that. It’s just... all”

Samantha put down the phone sharply. She did it so hard that the entire office heard a dry blow. However, no one -but him- heard a dry blow of a man squashing against the asphalt.